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Don’t Forget! 4 Benefits of Visiting a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

June 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dallaschiroteam @ 2:42 pm
man getting treatment with a chiropractor

After an accident, there are certain steps you should follow. You need to exchange insurance information with the other driver, call the police, take pictures of your car as well as the other car, and contact a tow truck if necessary. But an essential step that people often forget or neglect is visiting a chiropractor soon after the accident. Why is this important? What benefits come from beginning treatment as early as possible? Consider the following.

Early Start on Symptoms

Did you know that neck and back pain from a car accident often may not show up until several days or even weeks later? In fact, you may be injured and not know it yet, but you don’t have to be suffering or immobile to seek help.  If you start chiropractic treatment soon afterward, you can get ahead of the pain and already begin to make progress on healing.

Drug-Free, Non-Invasive Treatment

When you visit a medical doctor with spinal and joint issues after an accident, there are limited treatment options available. In fact, they may recommend surgery or prescribed pain medication. Instead of going under the knife or risking opioid addiction, you can turn to a chiropractor who doesn’t utilize either of these more drastic measures. They simply guide your spine and joints back into their normal alignment and relieve pain naturally by removing pressure from nerves.

Faster Healing and Fewer Long-Term Effects

Wounds heal with time, but if you have a substantial gash that isn’t properly cared for, you’ll have a substantial scar that sticks around for years. Although out of sight, joint injuries can work similarly. Over time, the injured tissue may “heal,” but scar tissue could form and impede your mobility and range of motion. You may continue to struggle with pain years afterward.

In contrast, if you seek treatment soon after your accident, your chiropractor can stop scar tissue buildup and encourage proper healing. As a result, you can avoid long-term damage and have a higher quality of life!

Proof for a Successful Claim

Recovering from a car accident can be overwhelming to say the least, but fighting insurance companies for assistance with bills and compensation can be a complete nightmare. They can question whether you have been genuinely injured and withhold money from you, but if you begin working with your chiropractor soon following the accident, you have concrete proof that your injury is legitimate.

If you experience a car collision, don’t wait to start seeing a chiropractor. With so many benefits of treatment, it’s a no-brainer!

About the Author

As the owner and operator of AlignRight Injury & Rehab, Dr. Zinovy Chukhman has treated injuries for more than 20 years. He has earned certification in all four levels with the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, and he has helped thousands of patients who have gone through car accidents in the recovery process. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Z, reach out to the Dallas practice online or call 972-907-2800.

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