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Car Accident? Beware of These 4 Types of Back Injuries

March 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dallaschiroteam @ 2:15 pm
man touching his back after a car accident

One second, traffic is flowing along just fine. The next, the car in front of you slams on their brakes, giving you mere fractions of a second to respond. Although you do your best to avoid it, you crash into it, and so does the car behind you. While you don’t seem to have broken any bones, you know you’re not perfectly okay. Like the others involved in your accident, you have back pain, but understanding how and where your back may be injured can help you know what next steps to take in order to heal.


Whiplash? You May Have a Herniated Disc

February 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dallaschiroteam @ 1:31 pm
diagram of a herniated disc from whiplash

It happened so fast. The other car hit yours from behind, causing your head to whip backward and then forward. As your friend gives you a ride home from your accident, they strongly recommend going to a chiropractor afterward—even if you aren’t feeling a lot of pain—just in case you get a herniated disc in your spine. What is a herniated disc, and how can whiplash give you one? How can visiting with a chiropractor help you recover more quickly? Keep reading to learn more!


Overcome Your Knee Pain with Cold Laser Therapy

December 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dallaschiroteam @ 3:07 pm
a patient with knee pain who needs cold laser therapy

You’ve probably seen lasers in science fiction or secret agent films, severing materials or destroying objects. Scientists and medical professionals have now made lasers more practical in surgeries, but did you know that lasers can be used for more than just cutting things? Laser therapy can actually help your body heal and lower your pain after a knee injury. Learn how you can reduce your chiropractor can address your knee pain with cold laser therapy.


5 Treatments for Chronic Back Pain Without Surgery

October 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dallaschiroteam @ 6:06 pm
man suffering from chronic back pain and wanting to avoid surgery

Every day you deal with some amount of back pain. This cannot only limit your productivity, but it can also impact your quality of life. Although surgery may be a viable option, you want to avoid having to undergo invasive procedures as much as possible. Fortunately, there are alternatives that you can and should explore. Here are just five of these other options that can treat chronic back pain without surgery.


Muscle or Disc Back Pain: How to Tell the Difference after an Accident

September 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dallaschiroteam @ 5:58 pm
man after a car accident with muscle or disc back pain

Immediately after the collision, your back feels a little painful, but the next day, it’s unbearable. When loved ones ask what kind of back pain it is, you’re not sure—you just know it hurts! But understanding the kind of pain you’re experiencing following a car accident can help you know what to do next.

Following a car wreck, two common types of back pain consist of injuries related to the muscles being strained or torn or to a disc slipping out of place. How do you know which one you have? What should you do in both cases? Keep reading to find out!

What Muscle Pain Feels Like

When you work out, tiny fibers in your muscles slightly break down, which causes soreness. This sensation occurs because your body is healing itself and becoming stronger. However, if you push your muscles too hard or don’t stretch before a workout, these fibers can actually be pulled or even tear, causing a more serious injury.

In a car accident, you obviously aren’t exercising, but it is possible for your muscles to work hard or tear to stabilize your head and spine. A clear sign that your injury is muscle related is that you feel similarly to how you feel a day after you exercise rigorously, although it could be a little more intense. Depending on the severity of the injury, you should start to recover a few days after the pain sets in. If it doesn’t show improvement by then, it’s definitely time to see a chiropractor.

What Disc Pain Feels Like

A disc is a small circular pad that cushions the spinal column. You have many discs that protect your vertebrae and spinal nerve from touching; however, when a disc is slipped out of place—say from a car accident—it can touch the nerve, sending a tingly, painful, or even numbing sensation in your back and appendages. If you have a restricted range of motion and struggle with sharp pains near your spine, it could be disc related, in which case your first move should be calling a chiropractor for an appointment.

Why You Should See a Chiropractor Right Away

Did you know that you don’t have to wait until you’re in excruciating back pain (whether muscle or disc related) to seek professional help? In fact, it’s better to start treatment early after a car accident, even if you aren’t necessarily in pain, because the sooner you address the issue, the sooner it can heal and the sooner you can get relief from pain.

In the end, regardless of the type of pain, the best professional who can help you recover from these injuries is a chiropractor. Don’t simply accept pain and try to carry on as usual. Pay attention to your pain and allow yourself to heal through working with someone who knows how to facilitate the process.

About the Author

Dr. Zinovy Chukhman, who prefers to be called Dr. Z, has worked in rehabilitation for more than 20 years. He is certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and uses many types of treatment protocols, including the Gostead and Graston techniques. If you were in a car accident, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Z at AlignRight Injury & Rehab online or call our practice at 972-907-2800.

4 Common Types of Back Injuries After a Car Accident

August 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dallaschiroteam @ 5:34 pm
spine model for talking about the common types of back injuries after a car accident

As you exchange insurance information with the other driver, you think you’re perfectly fine after the car accident. No one was seriously hurt, but later on once you get home, pain in your back becomes unbearable.

Understanding the most common types of back injuries can help you know what to do and how serious they are. Continue reading to learn more about just four types and who you should turn to for help in these situations!


Tick Tock: How Long Back Pain Lasts After a Car Accident

July 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dallaschiroteam @ 5:24 pm

woman wondering how long back pain lasts after a car accident

You were in a rush to get to work. You thought you had time to stop, but then—crash—you ran into another car. As you get out of your vehicle, you feel a sharp pain in your back. You can’t afford to miss many days at work because of your pain. How long will your back pain last after a car accident?

The answer may vary from person to person, depending on the type of wreck, the severity of the injury, and how quickly you treat the problem. Keep reading to learn how to deal with back pain following a car accident.


3 Reasons to Go to a Chiropractor for Upper Back Pain

June 30, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dallaschiroteam @ 6:51 pm

When you sit at a desk all day, it’s hard to hold good posture. As a result, you feel pain in your upper back, but this problem may require more than just correcting your slouching!

When you think of visiting a chiropractor, you may think of lower back issues or spinal alignment, but the truth is that your chiropractor can help with upper back pain as well. In fact, here are three good reasons why you should see a chiropractor for this particular problem!


How Often Should I Have Chiropractic Visits After an Accident?

May 30, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dallaschiroteam @ 5:21 pm

You’re a busy person with lots of important things to do. After your car crash, you felt physically fine and didn’t need help, but now, a few days later, you are struggling to do everyday tasks without pain. You haven’t broken anything, and you’re not bleeding, so you wonder where you can turn for treatment and how long it will take. Keep reading to learn about how a chiropractor can help you feel better as soon as possible and what you can expect for a timeline.


4 Injuries to Watch for Several Days after a Car Accident

April 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dallaschiroteam @ 6:46 pm

After a crash, you hop right out of your car to make sure everyone is okay and to inspect the damage. You feel fine, and so does everyone else, so you turn your attention to your car. However, just because you don’t feel anything in the immediate aftermath doesn’t mean that you’re perfectly okay. Some injuries have a delayed response, meaning you could seem unharmed the day of the accident, but experience symptoms later on. For at least a few days after a car accident, make sure you are keeping a close eye out for these common accident injuries!

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