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Has Uber Made a Dent in Drunk Driving Accidents?

February 27, 2018

Filed under: Auto Accident Treatment — Tags: — dallaschiroteam @ 12:25 am

Uber driverEvery day, millions of people around the globe summon a driver with Uber. The company claims that the number of drunk driving accidents has decreased because so many people choose the rideshare service. But is the claim true? Some researchers say yes, while others say more studies need to be done. Whatever the case, your chiropractor has a few tips to keep you and your passengers safe and offers personal injury treatment in Dallas if you are injured in an accident.


Does Every Accident Show Up on Your Driving Record?

January 27, 2018

Filed under: Auto Accident Treatment — Tags: , — dallaschiroteam @ 12:30 am

car accident victimSo you’ve had a little fender bender. Nothing serious, thankfully, but you may still want to schedule an appointment with a car accident chiropractor in Dallas just to make sure you don’t have any residual aches and pains. The next step would be to figure out how that minor accident will impact your driving record. Here’s the explanation and answer.


Your Dallas Chiropractor Discusses Holiday Driving

November 21, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — dallaschiroteam @ 12:36 am

Dallas chiropractor helps with holiday accident injuriesThe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that December 23rd and 24th are two of the four deadliest days on American roadways. (The other two are July 3rd and 4th). Everyone is in a hurry to rush home with their packages so the fact that the roads are more dangerous should come as no surprise. With that in mind, your Dallas chiropractor would like to offer a few tips on how you can protect yourself and your family this holiday season.


Your Dallas Chiropractor Offers Tips to Avoid Work Accidents

November 11, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — dallaschiroteam @ 12:30 am

Dallas chiropractor helps with work injuriesIf you’ve sustained an injury at work, then you might wish you could go back and do something different. You know—like not leave that file box in the path you take to your desk. But since you can’t actually go back to undo an accident, why not take a few precautions ahead of time? Dr. Zinovy Chukhman, your Dallas chiropractor, has these safety tips to offer.


Can I Exercise if I Have Whiplash?

October 23, 2017

Filed under: Auto Accident Treatment — Tags: , — dallaschiroteam @ 8:52 pm

A person with an injured neckWhiplash is a common injury if you’ve been in a car accident. Let’s say you were in a frontal collision. In this case, your car stops abruptly but your body—including your head and neck—continues to move forward in the direction the car was traveling and is then whipped back, only stopping upon contact with the headrest. When this happens, ligaments and muscles in your neck and shoulders are strained. Consequently, movement is restricted so exercise is generally discouraged initially, but can gradually be resumed as your neck begins to heal. Read on to learn more about whiplash and how best to care for yourself.


Car Accidents: The Leading Cause of Injury and Death in Dallas

September 28, 2017

Filed under: Auto Accident Treatment — Tags: , — dallaschiroteam @ 6:12 pm

Man rubbing neck after car accidentAccording to the Accident Data Center, a resource for locating up-to-date information on major traffic accidents across the country, car accidents in Dallas are the leading cause of injury and death for residents. The Center reports that in 2016:

  • 55,797 accidents occurred on Texas roadways
  • 3,773 people lost their lives in those accidents
  • 2 fatal crashes happened in rural Dallas County
  • 313 fatal crashes occurred in the city
  • Of a total 8, 921 incapacitating injuries, 1,447 resulted from vehicle accidents

What do these numbers indicate? Among other things, that drivers and passengers face greater danger when traveling in densely populated areas where there is more traffic congestion.


Head-On Collisions are More Than a Pain in the Neck

September 18, 2017

Filed under: Auto Accident Treatment — Tags: , — dallaschiroteam @ 6:01 pm

Head on collisionHead-on collision.

It just sounds awful. And unfortunately, the consequences often are awful and lifelong. Studies conducted by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that the risk of death has been reduced 61 percent by the use of seat belts and airbags. Nevertheless, drivers and passengers are still getting injured and dying as a result of head-on collisions.


Seven Backpack Safety Tips from Your Dallas Chiropractor

August 24, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — dallaschiroteam @ 3:33 pm

Your Dallas chiropractor offers tips for safe backpack wearing. The start of another school year is just around the corner in North Texas. So if you find yourself in the backpack aisle of the store, your Dallas chiropractor wants you to keep in mind some important things—in addition to which action figure or movie character your child’s backpack features. Children are susceptible to back pain, too, and one of the best ways to avoid that is by making sure they are wearing their backpacks correctly. Read on to learn seven safety tips to help your children carry the load without injury.


Back-to-School Driving Tips from Your Dallas Chiropractor

August 14, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — dallaschiroteam @ 3:28 pm

Your Dallas chiropractor has tips on driving safely in school zones. With the start of school, traffic necessarily slows. There are school zones, school buses, carpool lines, bikers and walkers all headed to elementary, middle and high schools throughout North Texas. Your job as a driver is to watch out for the safety of others and avoid being involved in an accident. Here are some important tips on how to do just that from Dr. Zinovy Chukhman, your Dallas chiropractor.


Your Dallas Chiropractor Discusses Semi-Truck Accidents

July 24, 2017

Filed under: Auto Accident Treatment — Tags: — dallaschiroteam @ 9:00 pm

Dallas chiropractor, Dr. Chukhman, offers advice on how to avoid an accident with a semi-truck. On Friday, April 21, 2017, reported on an accident at the intersection of West Mockingbird Lane and Lemmon Avenue. Several cars and a tractor-trailer were involved. In addition to the collision among the vehicles, a light pole was knocked down as a result of the accident and landed on other cars. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries reported at the time of the incident. Unfortunately, this is not always the case when a semi-truck is involved in a vehicular accident. These types of collisions can result in serious injuries that are painful or sometimes even fatal. Your Dallas chiropractor, Dr. Zinovy Chukhman, is here to help you recover from any type of auto accident. But even better than that, he would like to help you avoid a collision with a semi-truck. Read on to learn about some safe driving tips that you can use on the road.


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